Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The other side

All last week as my body was gently reminding me that it COULD still breastfeed, if I wanted to.  I resisted mightily, and now am officially on the other side!  I feel sad and excited at the same time.  Sam is such a big boy lately, eating and talking.  Just last week, he began to say "I like it" and "No like it," taking a new level of control over his own diet.

So what will  become of babyfood, the blog?  Looking back, there seems to have been a trajectory of shock, desperate search for answers, tons of research read, realization of the higher level of barriers (not just physical) I was caught in, and then finally, a sense of calm.   Last week, I went back and tagged my posts by baby's age so those mothering infants can find posts relevant to them.  I will continue to post about toddler feeding, especially as we enter the potentially picky-eating phase, and also reflect on my year and a half of baby feeding. 

I'm also thinking of two close friends who embarked on their own babyfeeding journey nearly the same day that I ended mine, sending them good luck and best wishes.

On to the next phase!  Thank you for sticking with me.

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